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Friday, March 4, 2016

Holi Festival-About Holi Festival Colours-Dhuleti-Festivals of Colours

Among India 's innumerable Festivals, Holi ranks as the most colourful.It celebrates the arrival of spring and death of demoness Holika; it is a celebration  of joy,hope and fellow feeling.Holi provides a refreshing respite from the mun dane norms, as people from all walks of life enjoy themselves.

Holi continues to be celebrated with great vigour through out India.Countless Hindi films have brought the vibrant colours of the festival to the screen.Indians all over the world eagerly await this festival of colours ,as bonfires are lit to banish the cold dark mights of winter and usher in warmer spring.Dhuledi, day after Holi,people sprinkle colour-diluted water and smear colour paste and 'Gulal' on each other's faces.Everywhere ,everyone looks drenched in colours,and in colourful moods.

The festival of Holi begins on Dwadashi- on the twelfth day of the waxing moon of the month of Phalgun.Spirit run high as the preparations for the festivities begin, costmarily as, mothers making new clothes for their married daughthers.Coloured powder(Gulal) is bought and prepared, long syringes calles 'pichkaris' are made ready and water balloons are bought and filled.Special dishes are prepared exclusively ment for this festival. 

On Dhuleti entire India celebrates the joys of spring as the 'festival of  colour'.The colourful festival is celebrated in most parts of India during February-March and According to Hindu Gujarati Calendar in month of Phalguna.The mode of celebrations very depending on regional and local traditions but the common part is exchange of colours.

Holi Colours

Phalgun arrives with the promise of warm days and as a season of rejuvenation and novstion.The earth discards its winter gloom and begins to blossam again.As if to mark this change,Holi flings colours into Indian landscape and invites the celebration of life.The spirit of Holi is colour which denote energy -the vivid,passionate pulse of life.Colours signify the vitality that makes the human race unique in the universal scheme.Holi , the festival of colour, is also the onest of spring.It is in a metaphorical sense ,changing earth's dull garb of winter for the fresh blue of the March skies, the bright colours of new blossoms, the brilliance of the summer sun washing everything with is red-gold hues.
Markets are flooded with heaps of gulal coloured powder, applied dry, are arranged in pyramids and sold loose.Vendors sit on street corners selling gulal to passers by.Gulal is made up of many rich colours like pink,red,yellow and green.'Abeer 'is made of small crystals or paper like chips of mica.This is usually mixed with the gulal to give it a rich shine.These colours can be used dry,or mixed with water.New brides make silver or gold colour from the powders especially available in the market.This colour is mixed with a little coconut oil and stored in a bottle.It is applied in tiny quantities on the foreheads of near and dear ones, as 'tilak'.
In the old days , colours, colour for Holi was made at home, from the flowers of the 'tesu' tree.This tree is also called 'the flame of the forest' or 'palash'.The flowers of 'palash' are bright red in colours and they used to be collected from the trees and spread out on mats, to dry in the sun.Once dried, they were then ground to a fine powder.This powder was then mixed with ater to give a beautiful saffron-red colour.The mixture was considered good for health,probably beacause of the reddish glow it left behind on the skin.

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